This week is the start of this year’s Paralympic Games. We’ll all be watching closely willing our athletes on. Hoping they have the same success that we had in the Olympic Games.
But all these incredible athletes had to start somewhere, they weren’t born champions. Here at Clays we’re proud to have been part of the new Aire Valley Archers clubhouse. Aire Valley is double Paralympic Gold medallist Danielle Brown’s first club.
Danielle was present at the grand opening of the brand new clubhouse and generously cut the ribbon.
The new clubhouse was paid for with a grant from Sport England of £65,000 as well as £12,000 of the clubs own money.
The old club house was on its last legs and the new clubhouse should bring many benefits. Committee member Adam Roe said it was designed to be completely off-grid, with solar panels due to be fitted shortly.
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) was the obvious choice for this project. The environmental advantages alone are justifiable. Due to SIP’s outstanding insulation they outperform other building methods in virtually every environmental category. Other advantages of SIPS include; speed of build, strength of build and the savings to be made on heating bills.
If you’re thinking about getting a new clubhouse for your club or interested in any other projects that Structural Insulated Panels can achieve then please have a look at some of our case studies.